
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Confidence Vibrator

 Owning a whole body vibrator used to be an option only for the super wealthy.
But times have changed, and so have the prices.
And that’s one of the reasons that the Confidence Slim Vibrator has become the #1 Selling whole body vibrator on Amazon.

What make the Confidence Slim Whole Body Vibrator the Best?

It’s not just the price. You don’t have to spend $600-800 for a quality vibrator anymore.
But there’s more that sets the Slim vibrator apart from the rest.
It’s the results. We can talk about the balance of the plate, the rollers on the base so that when you need to move it, it’s easy but is stable when you’re using it.
We could talk about the different program settings that it offers, but really all of the bells and whistles of any device take a back seat to actual resultsthat customers have experiences.

Here’s what some Amazon customers are saying about the Whole Body Vibrator:

“I love it! My daughter and I have had great success with it. I am doing a weight loss program with it and have lost 60 lbs. I got this because I have issues with my feet…”
“I Love My Jiggle Machine!”
“…my husband decided to give it a try, and it literally melted his love handles away! We are both amazed! When I get off of it I feel refreshed and relaxed, and like I have really done something great for my body.”
“I have been using this for a couple weeks, haven’t noticed any weight loss, but it does feel really good to use it. My muscles feel tighter and I feel less stressed. I also noticed that the aches and limited mobility in my shoulders is gone when I use this thing regularly.”
“I have had this for over a month now and use it daily. I am in my mid 50’s and have a bad right hip that probably is due for a replacement at some point. But when I use this machine for 10-15 minutes, it seems like the pain in my hip subsides.”

How does a Whole Body Vibrator Help?

The benefits that a vibrator like the Confidence Slim Body pictured above is a complete exercise of the whole body.
Dr. Mercola talks about whole body vibrators and mentions studies that show that whole body vibrators WBV’s help contribute to strength and stimulate muscle growth including “143 percent improvement in physical function.”
That’s amazing!
As with any exercise equipment, you should consult your doctor and use the device as instructed, but compared to other exercise devices, the Confidence Slim really does give you a lot of bang for your buck.
It’s called a Whole Body Vibrator for a reason because it helps exercise your entire body.
The micro adjustments your body has to make while on the plate and the rapid succession helps to activate processes within your body to rebuild muscle, increase strength abilities, and even reduce pain.
Again check out the Mercola article for more on the studies.
The point is, instead of just isolating one area of your body, a whole body vibrator helps to exercise your whole body while going easy on your joints compared to the impact that running can have for example.
To top it off, it’s convenient. You don’t have to wait for it to warm up outside or to cool down to get some exercise in, you can just hop on the machine, while reading, watching a show or just some good ol’ think time.
Whole body vibrators are kept in fitness centers as a way to help improve joint strength and joint range of motion, improved balance (better be after all that shaking) and of course muscle strength.
Here’s a video of how it works, and you can see that they’re not shaking like crazy. The vibrations are smooth although they can also be adjusted.

How much does a Whole Body Vibrator Cost and how can you get a Good Deal?

Whole Body Vibrators like the Power Plate brand shown in the video above will set you back $500 to $800. They’re not cheap, but if that’s that’s what you want, then go for it.
Whole Body Vibrators were priced so high for so long that people have come to expect that you have to drop nearly $1,000, but that’s not the case anymore.
The Confidence Slim is the best vibrator you can get for under $300.
The benefits, results, and the value of the Confidence Slim has easily made it the #1 whole body vibrator on Amazon. 
It’s time to shake it off!
Check out the link below for even more customer results on Amazon:

Heres the Ebay link